South Africa Mission Trip

Hi there, my name is Rachel White and I am 26 years old. I am so excited to be apart of the South Africa mission trip as this will be my first mission trip ever! I am so thankful to be given this opportunity to help build a playground for the kids in South Africa and be able to witness God’s work at hand. If you could keep the group and I in your prayers during this experience that would be amazing. Thank you for taking the time to read my campaign.






4 responses to “South Africa Mission Trip”

  1. Jeff & Carol White

    Will be praying for you on this amazing journey sharing the Word of God. We love you so much xoxo

  2. Elizabeth Moersch

    Go be a vessel of God’s love, hope and encouragement. God watch over you and your team and bless those you encounter❤️

  3. Shellie Okon

    Prayers for a safe, fun and rewarding trip!

  4. Lisa Yellott

    Praying the Holy Spirit of God covers Rachel and each person on this trip. May Jesus Christ be glorified each step of the way! God Bless this mission!