Featured images can be added to blog posts and campaign pages.
The optimum size for featured images is 910 x 607 pixels.
Blog Post
- To add a featured image to a blog post, navigate to Posts > Add New, or edit an existing post.
- Find the Featured Image meta box, and click Set Featured Image.
- You will be prompted to upload an image or select a previously uploaded image from the Media Library.
- Finally, publish or update your blog post, then view your post – the image will appear above the post content. Here is an example.
Campaign Page
If you have the Charitable plugin installed and activated, you can add a featured image to a campaign.
- Follow the instructions in the section about Setting up a Campaign Page.
- Be sure to add an image using the Featured Image meta box.
- Once you are happy with your campaign, click on Publish.
Your featured image will display in the campaign grid on the homepage, and on the campaign page itself.